Thursday, April 18, 2019

Charles Rix & Daisy McBane

Our Grandparents!

The Rixs (living in Romford) and the Keehners (Upton Park and Elm pARK) were great friends as Len and Olive were growing up, and into the early years of Bob & Olives marriage.

Alfred very sick, cancer, operation then convalesence

Olive's Mum and Dad were booked on the ship along with the Griffin's destined to emigrate to NZ,
spoilt by the untimely passing of Francis Keehner. Daisy decided to continue on, leaving behind her great friend Charles Rix, who had also lost his partner (name??).

Soon after arrival in NZ, Charles contacted Daisy and suggested she come back to England to live with him, and as we all know that is what happened, and they lived happily ever after at the Crouch Caravan Park, Hullbridge, Hockley, Essex.

During that happy time they came out to visit us in Wainui (1966). Bob and Olive went off to meet them in Wellington - they must have come by ship) and I think Lily Griffin looked after us kids while they were away.

I particularly remember many walks along the beach and picnics at Big Bush (I think that is what we called it).

For many years we communicated by taped recordings. Charles sent us a tape recorder - I still remember the day it arrived.

They were very keen gardeners and I think the Caravan park people gave them extra ground to grow roses. I remember the photos.

I remember Charles talking about someone called Graham who always used to "drive him up the wall" so you can imagine what was going on in the mind of an 8 yr old on hearing that metaphor.

Sadly Daisy passed away in 1972 ( I think) when we were living in Roseville Ave, and I especially remember Olly's grief, which was also particularly poignant to me since it was the first time I experienced the loss of a close family member, that I had actually known.

Even more sadly Charles Rix passed away the day before Martin was due to visit him (in the late eighties I think), being too young to remember him in 1966. I think he attended our Grandad's funeral. We never got to meet our real Grandad's, who both passed away well before we were even thought of, but Charles Rix was a worthy substitute who we all loved dearly.

I have always been thankful that Owen and Jason and their cousins have known their Griffin Grandparents well into adulthood.

1966 Visit
Trip to Tauranga and Rotorua

Bob met Olive at Elm Park Dance Hall

Norfolk Rd Seven Kings

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