Thursday, April 18, 2019

Hugh & Beryl Hordern

Hugh paid me 50 c and hour to work on his boat, near our house in Crows Nest. What luck that I could walk there.

Many hours working on that huge thing, only ever visited him and 'Wedgewood' once when on the water.

Amazing coincidence that Hugh used to visit his grandmother at the Carr-Hordern Estate,
which eventually became the site of Chatswood High School. A famous Sydney family in retail - Anthony Hordern and Sons.

He was a great character, and I always used to enjoy meeting all of his friends that would periodically come to visit at the boat, including on occasion Horst and Mickey, driving up in that orange VDub.

Patrick is forever in the debt of Hugh and Beryl, because they renovated two adjacent terrace houses in Rose St Surrey Hills (Fact Check) and while he was living there as the house manager, in walked English Lady Katherine Mulcahy, and the rest is history. Qu. does that mean Kath is in their debt as well??

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